AKF Infographics

ROLE: Infographic design, illustration, icon design

Client: The American Kidney Fund
Date: June 30, 2021
Services: Digital, Illustration

About State of the States

AKF’s State of the States: 2021 Living Donor Protection Report Card evaluates each state and the District of Columbia on how well their existing laws encourage living organ donation and reduce barriers for living donors. Campaign website developed by AKF based on the infographic design.

From the client:

It’s already making a difference. Quick anecdotal story – we have been trying for the past few years (without any success) to get lawmakers in West Virginia to introduce a bill, any bill, that would help living organ donors. There are two delegates in the legislature who are actually donors themselves, so I sent the report card to them when it came out. As a direct result of seeing WV listed with a “D” grade, we now have a bill!

About Know Your Kidneys

The AKF Know Your Kidneys provides resources and education regarding kidney disease. The client found that infographics shared on Facebook performed well, were shared more often, and were more effective in reaching larger audiences.


Know Your Kidneys branding by Kathleen Elliott